Full image in one slide
first slide with \textwidth and second with \paperwidth
How to organize the files in subfolders
I organize my presentacion in a folder with the name of the lecture and subfolders for papers and other for images. Hence, I will have /papers and /images folders.
- to insert a figure: \includegraphics{./images/file.png}
- to insert the references: \bibliography{./papers/references.bib}
Two figures with different captions in one slide
\caption{\only<1>{caption of image-1}\only<2>{caption of image-2}}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry title}{}
\begin{frame}[shrink=0]{Recommended reading} % adjust the shrink.
\bibliographystyle{amsplain} % use unsrt if no order is desired
\appendix %from here, nothing will appear in the outline
%\begin{multicols}{2} % for two columns
\caption{\only<1>{caption of image-1}\only<2>{caption of image-2}}
Add watermark beamer
\setbeamertemplate{background}{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]\node[opacity=.04]at (current page.center){\includegraphics[width=5cm]{watermark-image}};}
Fit table in beamer slide
then add } after \end{tabular}
Hide navigation simbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}Use bibliography
\usepackage{hyperref}\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry title}{}
\begin{frame}[shrink=0]{Recommended reading} % adjust the shrink.
\bibliographystyle{amsplain} % use unsrt if no order is desired
Hide some section in the index
\usepackage{appendixnumberbeamer}\appendix %from here, nothing will appear in the outline
Change colors after appearing
\item <1 -> {\only<2->{\color{gray}}First}
\item <2 -> {\only<3->{\color{gray}}Second}
\item <3 -> {Third}
Generate an outline
% Uncomment these lines for an automatically generated outline.\begin{frame}[shrink=1]{\contentsname}
%\begin{multicols}{2} % for two columns
Cambiar cuadro por tabla
[spanish, es-tabla]{babel}
Wide slides
Small fonts in Figure caption and text
\setbeamerfont{caption name}{size=\tiny}
\caption{\tiny{Caption text.}}
My prefered themes and colors
and colorscrane
KOMA-Script Presentation
More info about beamer
- More themes & colors in the Beamer matrix here
- Nice templates in Latex Templates here
- Beamer manual here
- Beamer cheat sheet here
- great list of LaTeX rresources from the University of Chicago here
Hi, thank you for your blog.
ReplyDeleteIn Add watermark image in beamer, one should include the package: \usepackage{background} besides the tikz one.